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(Last Price: 1.0819)
SELL First, Entry = 1.0826, SL = 1.0866, TP = 1.0786
if hit SL, then BUY, Entry = 1.0866, SL = 1.0826, TP = 1.0906

(Last Price: 1.2686)
SELL First, Entry = 1.2687, SL = 1.2727, TP = 1.2647
if hit SL, then BUY, Entry = 1.2727, SL = 1.2687, TP = 1.2767

(Last Price: 147.77)
BUY First, Entry = 147.89, SL = 147.49, TP = 148.29
if hit SL, then SELL, Entry = 147.49, SL = 147.89, TP = 147.09

(Last Price: 0.8668)
BUY First, Entry = 0.8683, SL = 0.8643, TP = 0.8723
if hit SL, then SELL, Entry = 0.8643, SL = 0.8683, TP = 0.8603

(Last Price: 0.6582)
SELL First, Entry = 0.6578, SL = 0.6618, TP = 0.6538
if hit SL, then BUY, Entry = 0.6618, SL = 0.6578, TP = 0.6658

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