For many people, fitness goals are incredibly important. That’s why performance enhancing drugs and supplements like anabolic steroids are so very popular. Although steroids certainly aren’t for everyone, there are safer legal steroid alternatives that you can use to help you meet your goals.

Muscle Gain

If your goal is to gain pounds of muscle mass, you could turn to steroids like Dianabol or even Deca Durabolin. Of course, these can cause side effects and are usually difficult to obtain (not to mention illegal), so many people are interested in alternatives.

Studies have shown that nitric oxide is one of the best alternatives for muscle gain. Not only is it effective, but it’s also easy to find, relatively inexpensive, and one of the most popular alternatives available today.

A study at UCLA back in 2011 focused on 16 male cyclists who were interested in gaining muscle mass. They were given supplements containing arginine, an amino acid that serves as a precursor to nitric oxide. After three weeks, the average Anaerobic threshold (the point at which lactic acid begins to build up in muscle tissues) in these cyclists improved by 16.7%.

This shows that nitric oxide could indeed improve muscle gains when used by bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts by reducing lactic acid buildup, thus making workouts more effective. Fenugreek is another common alternative that can help you build muscle without unwanted side effects. It is a rich source of amino acids, and it contains a variety of important nutrients like niacin, potassium, vitamin C, and choline, which play vital roles in muscle health.

Most importantly, fenugreek contains a very specific molecule called 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which has been scientifically proven to aid in proper glucose metabolism. When you work out, this glucose is converted to glycogen, which serves as fuel for Muscle Building.


If you’re looking to improve your endurance, whether you’re a long-distance runner or dedicated weightlifter, Creatine is one of the best alternatives for you. There are several different types of creatine available, and some work better than others.

The most popular form of Creatine – and arguably the best – is creatine monohydrate. Studies have proven that supplementing with creatine monohydrate increases available muscle creatine and phosphocreatine by up to 40%, which leads to more capacity for anaerobic exercise. This means that athletes and bodybuilders who use creatine monohydrate regularly can expect to experience longer and more effective workouts with shorter recovery times.

When it comes to natural alternatives for endurance, many people turn to bee pollen. It is a complete protein that is packed with nutrients your muscles need to run further, work out longer, and push out a few more reps. Gingseng is arguably one of the best alternatives for endurance. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its restorative properties, and it has also been shown to promote focus and clarity.

Fat Loss

Whether you’re actively trying to Lose Weight or you want to shed a few pounds of body fat prior to an upcoming competition, it’s often a difficult task. Most people, no matter how hard they work, will eventually hit a plateau in their weight loss efforts. Fortunately, you don’t have to turn to anabolics to get over these hurdles.

Capsiplex is a great alternative that contains several all-natural ingredients designed to work together synergistically. Capsiplex helps you shed pounds by improving your metabolism and digestive systems, suppressing your Appetite, and even improving your energy levels.

In clinical trials from of the University of Oklahoma, subjects either took Capsiplex or a placebo prior to exercising. Those who took the Capsiplex demonstrated three times the calories burned of those who took a placebo, and 12 times more calories burned for an hour after they exercised.

Burning fat is all about speeding the metabolism and suppressing the appetite, and there are several herbal anabolic alternatives that can help. Sage, for example, is a stimulant and diuretic that helps you shed unwanted water weight, all while boosting your energy levels and keeping cravings at bay.

Spearmint is another fantastic choice because it’s a powerful appetite suppressant and it’s been shown to aid in nutrient absorption, which ensures you get the most out of every bite of food.


If you’re on the hunt for alternatives that can boost your strength, ecdysterone is a fantastic choice. It’s very similar to testosterone at the molecular level, but the two behave very differently in the body. This supplement contains essential amino acids that your body cannot make on its own, and these amino acids provide the building blocks for the lean muscle tissue you need to improve your strength.

Per a 2010 study published in the Steroids journal, ecdysterone taken orally produces an effect that is very similar to anabolic steroids, but without the androgenic effect that often causes side effects. Most of the current studies have been performed on laboratory animals, however; one study showed that in-vitro application of ecdysterone to human muscle fibers can cause increases in both strength and growth rates.

The best herbal alternative for boosting strength is undoubtedly tribulus terrestris. This plant has been shown to help increase your body’s free testosterone levels, which plays an important role in raw power and strength. Another option is Cordyceps fungus, also known as caterpillar fungus, which grows on soybeans. It’s been shown to improve libido and sperm count while relieving Fatigue. It also helps with circulation, lung capacity, and cardiac output, all of which can improve your steroid alternatives

Choosing Steroid Alternatives

With the above information in mind, it’s possible to choose the best natural alternatives. Some of the alternatives are considered dietary supplements, and others are herbal supplements you can grow yourself or find in most drug stores. In most cases, you can use multiple alternatives together for better results.

Before taking any supplement, herbal or otherwise, be sure to consult your pharmacist for interactions, especially if you take any prescription or OTC medications regularly.

Your Goal Supplement Alternative Herbal Alternatives
Nitric Oxide
Creatine Monohydrate
Bee Pollen or Ginseng
Sage or Sprearmint
Tribulus Terrestris or Cordyceps Fungus

If you’re working hard to reach your goals but could use a little boost, anabolic steroids aren’t your only options. In fact, there are plenty of tried and tested steroid alternatives that provide some of the same results without the legal hassles or potential for side effects. Just remember that pairing these alternatives with a diet and exercise program tailored to your goals is important for your success.

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