At this stage in Big Brother 24, jury management is more important than ever. Fans have seen time and time again how poor jury management can cause a player to lose when sitting in the final two chairs. And unfortunately for Monte Taylor in Big Brother 24, one move he made during week 10 could cause him to lose one jury vote.

[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother 24 live feeds.]

Monte Taylor | Photo: CBS

Monte and Brittany were working together in ‘Big Brother 24’

As Big Brother 24 fans know, Monte and Brittany Hoopes began working together in week three when the Leftovers formed. However, they weren’t exactly close within the seven-person alliance. Monte had the Pound, which consisted of himself, Joseph Abdin, Matthew Turner, and Kyle Capener. And Brittany had a final three deal with Michael Bruner and Taylor Hale.

Kyle effectively split up the Leftovers when he was the leading force behind Joseph’s eviction during Dyre Fest. But while he, Joseph, and Turner were in the backyard, Brittany, Michael, Taylor, and Monte were inside at Big Brochella. The four agreed to stay loyal until the final four, and Taylor encouraged a final three between herself, Brittany, and Monte.

However, when the split house twist ended, Monte returned to the Pound and turned on Michael, Brittany, and Taylor. Everything changed once again when Michael and Brittany exposed Kyle’s racist comments and actions. Kyle then left on Turner’s Head of Household reign, and Monte and Turner formed a final two alliance.

Because Big Brother 24 is nothing if not entertaining, Brittany came under fire for allegedly trying to create a final two with Turner during Michael’s HOH in week nine. Brittany also leaked that an all-girls alliance of herself, Taylor, and Alyssa Snider was being floated around. Her lies and deceitful actions spread throughout the house, and Monte was seemingly done with her.

Monte tells Brittany that their trust is broken

After Michael Bruner exited the game during the Big Brother 24 double eviction, Brittany was seemingly alone in the house. Michael had exposed her during his eviction speech, and he used the information that she was lying about her job during his campaign talks. And then, she lost the Big Brother 24 Week 10 HOH competition to Monte by nine seconds.

Monte later nominated Brittany and Alyssa for eviction. However, Brittany won the Power of Veto, securing her place in the final four.

Before the veto meeting, Brittany met with Monte and Taylor in the HOH room to discuss the replacement nominee. She wanted Monte to put Turner on the block instead of Taylor, but the conversation quickly shifted to Monte’s distrust of Brittany.

Monte brought up the timing of when the information about Kyle came out and her lies regarding the Turner final two situation. Plus, he felt that Brittany threatened him earlier with her jury vote if he didn’t nominate Turner. Brittany then asked Monte if their trust was broken, and he confirmed that it was on the Big Brother 24 live feeds.

Brittany likely won’t vote for Monte if he makes it to the final 2 in ‘Big Brother 24’

Monte severing his relationship with Brittany a couple of weeks before the Big Brother 24 finale has to be one of the dumbest moves of the season. He has to know that Brittany might be one of the jurors voting for the winner, and Monte likely lost her vote during the conversation.

Since Alyssa will assumably be heading out the door during week 10, only Monte, Turner, Taylor, and Brittany will remain in the game. So if Monte makes it to the final two and Brittany is a part of the jury, she won’t vote for him. She respects Taylor as a friend and will vote for her if she’s going against anyone. Turner has earned Brittany’s respect as a player. And Brittany has no reason to vote for Monte.

Brittany even told Taylor that Turner is playing a good game and that she would vote for him if he’s in the final two — unless he’s sitting next to Taylor, of course.

One jury vote might not seem like a lot, but Paul Abrahamian lost by one vote in Big Brother 18 and Big Brother 19. Brittany’s vote could make a huge difference. And Monte made a mistake by losing Brittany’s trust and respect.

A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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