Great news today as I’m closing my first long & short trade of the year. Two trades are currently over the +20{01de1f41f0433b1b992b12aafb3b1fe281a5c9ee7cd5232385403e933e277ce6} ratio but for now I will keep the long Apple (AAPL) & short AOL Inc. (AOL) trade live for now. This morning however I’ll be closing the trade that I did on January 9th where I went long TripAdvisor (TRIP) and short Blue Nile (NILE). Yesterday, NILE announced very disappointing results helping me in a big way. As much as I believe in the long term future of TripAdvisor, I was not terribly impressed with the last quarter earnings call and am a bit nervous about this week’s earnings so I prefer taking the gains here:)

TRIP Chart

TRIP data by YCharts

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