This morning, I will be closing one of the 4 live trades that I currently have on, the one where I went long Paypal (PYPL) vs. Short IAC Interactive (IAC). I continue to be a strong believer in Paypal and you can expect me to buy the stock in 2018 when I get back to trading:) As I wrote recently on SeekingAlpha, I do think Paypal has a very good opportunity to be one of the dominant payment players online which would be incredibly valuable. They are coming under attack from the likes of Apple, Google, and Facebook but I do like their odds.

The 2017 returns stand at 7.71{01de1f41f0433b1b992b12aafb3b1fe281a5c9ee7cd5232385403e933e277ce6} which is not bad at all. I will be closing the trade on the open today, you can go see this year (and past years) trades here:

SOURCE: Intelligent Speculator – Read entire story here.