Good morning, today I will be adding one more stock the list of stocks that I follow. As a reference, this is the list of stocks that I follow news about, read earnings call transcripts of and eventually start trading for my long & short stock picks. In this case, I don’t expect to trade ROKU for a little bit as the company just went public and while it has had a promising start, I (almost!) always prefer watching from the sidelines initially as I get a better feel for the company.

Roku is a company that provides a tv stick/digital top boxes that basically provides content to users tv. It competes with the likes of Apple TV (AAPL), Fire TV (Amazon), Chromecast (GOOG) and provides a platform for content companies such as Netflix, Google’s Youtube and so much more. As you can imagine it is an incredibly competitive space but one that ROKU has been able to do very well in. The company has not been profitable on a EPS basis in the past few quarters which is not always a problem but I’ll be curious to see how they can turn things around in this case.

The stock has done incredibly well since its IPO though following earnings where revenues jumped by 40{01de1f41f0433b1b992b12aafb3b1fe281a5c9ee7cd5232385403e933e277ce6} y/y and the Q3 EPS loss was 10c/share, lower than expected:

SOURCE: Intelligent Speculator – Read entire story here.