I would hope that everyone here is well acquainted with the classic bromide about financial markets: “They climb a wall of worry and slide down a slope of hope.” The more perceptive among you figured out a while ago that the domain name for my beloved little corner of the Internet comes from that phrase. That’s one reason, I would suppose, that the site is perceived as bearish.

A while back, I noticed that the domain wallofworry.com was for sale. I almost bought it, but I decided it was just a silly waste of money (similar to my purchase of knight.club which, let’s face it, is a cool URL). Anyway, I checked again this morning, and the price has dropped enough that I couldn’t resist. So, people of the world, I now own both URLs and, thus, the whole flippin’ expression!

Now I Own the Whole Phrase

Now I Own the Whole Phrase

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By admin