I just won my wager and did the Request a Payout, which says it would take 2-5 business days to get into my PayPal. I didn’t realize the amount the fee would be as mentioned above, but oh well. I will just get it by check next time to save $5 something in fees.

Now I have things I have learned, and know what caused me to have to buy time (because of being all last day, last minute and stuff messed me up the first time), but even after the buying time, I still got back all the money I put into it, plus $133 more for the prize.

* Make sure your floor has no carpeting or floor mats anywhere near where you do the video.

The first time I had a black, fuzzy floor mat under my scale. So removing it, I did not meet the goal after all, by about 2.8 pounds. The second time around, after buying time … so 6 months later, I still had a fricken floor mat nearby in the video, so that made them wonder if it was actual carpet.

SO, I had to do an actual 10 minute Zoom meeting with a SUPER PLEASANT team member to prove the scale was not on carpeting in person.

The best level floor I could find was a cement garage floor, and the lady wasn’t quite sure how I could prove it was not carpet this time …. until I grabbed the kids’ sidewalk chalk nearby and drew a heart and some squiggle lines next to the scale.

I also had tried out my daughter’s really nice scale just before the Zoom meeting to check the difference of mine, and hers actually made me a pound lighter. So of course I used hers.

Then in that moment just before the meeting, I discovered my own scale was damaged somehow, to where one of the feet crumbled away and was missing. *They make you show the bottom of the scale in a Zoom meeting* is how I discovered it. I am not sure how it could possibly have ever felt level, unless it just came out during the traveling to their house. IDK… Glad I suddenly had a backup scale to use prior to that Zoom meeting.

So I advise you to get a much nicer digital scale than the one I got that was silver Bally. Or just use a different scale somewhere at a friend’s house. Or have your nurse video record (in the app) you getting weighed at a doctor’s appointment.

* If you do the weigh out video yourself, make sure you can see the numbers in the full-length mirror. (I used a really lightweight, wall-mountable, full-length mirror I hadn’t mounted yet.)

* Make sure you show the bottom of the scale, even if it doesn’t ask you to, and that your hands are visible in the mirror during the video, so you don’t look like you cheated somehow.

I did my final weight 3 times in my submitted video, but it still got messed up because of the little floor mat nearby. But trust me, the Zoom meeting was absolutely nothing to feel anxiety about, as long as you are at, or less than, the goal weight. And it pays your HW account within like 2 days if you end up in a Zoom meeting. Which you then decide to have payout, or use it toward another wager. I just took the whole payout. Then ended up doing another wager after that.

Also, I did not have to wear a swimsuit in front of them in the Zoom meeting; they said just tight fitting clothes, and leggings was fine even.

Anyway, I know I would have accomplished my wager the first time around, had I realized about the whole carpet on the floor thing. After the buying more time, I only had to be a few pounds less than the beginning of the new 6 months wager, because you keep the same bet/goal/prize, but you have to pay into it the same amount as the first time. So basically I maintained my previous weight for 6 months, plus another few pounds less for the final weighouts.

I also just recently had an epiphany about the reason weight ever falls off someone effortlessly…. I am thinking it is because of ever being in a new love relationship. I think that makes all the difference in the world. Well, I haven’t found that relationship, almost once a few years ago, but I have been learning that with Law of Attraction, you have to “feel in love the with idea of love” first.

Having a major crush on someone else during my first wager (who then always asked me to video chat with me daily for hours) … made it pretty easy to drop pounds in that first 25 pound wager. I also had done whatever manifestation technique I had just learned about (making someone obsessed with spending time with you) from Robert Zink on the “Law of Attraction Solutions” channel), and it truly worked for months, but we live too far apart and they got a new real relationship in person.

I am intending to learn more about all these manifesting techniques. I want to manifest this next 25 pound removal more effortlessly again. I shall hope to teach others what I find out at some point. @LadyEdify is my law of attraction channel.

So I am about to do another wager! I emailed them to ask why the minimum bet was now higher, as it is now a $200 minimum with minimum of 6 months time. (I thought mine was $150 minimum before.) They replied this:

“…You are correct that the minimum wager prior to the 2023 year was $100 over the life of the wager. We have not had a minimum of $150. We did raise the commitment for a few reasons, but the main reason was to be able to raise the profit value for new or returning participants so that the prizes would be larger. Another side of this as well is by having a higher commitment, there is more skin in the game (so to speak) which increases the likelihood of our participants succeeding.”

It truly is attainable if even I could do it, and I have (what 3 different levels of doctors labeled as) Severe A.D.D. which is probably how I missed the part about carpets or floor mats… But I actually did succeed! Next wager it will be so much easier.

I am really glad to highly recommend Healthywage to anyone, with any tricks you can learn such as I have mentioned to make the final verification go much more smoothly, and I hope you all have success!

It’s Awesome!!

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By admin