It has been a tough year for Angry Bear. We lost Dan Crawford to cancer. Dan was my friend. From October of last year, I was talking to him on and off when he could talk. I would post his selected commentaries till he could no longer pick something he would want to present. The hopes of a recovery disappeared late last year. In his last week alive, his wife told me Dan hoped we could keep Angry Bear a going blog.

There are no fees charged to read Angry Bear. As written by volunteers, our content is good and interesting. Angry Bear exists due to the readers of Angry Bear which generates the funds to pay for the Server.

I hope this Christmas finds you happy, of good health, and with family. Be safe. Peace . . .

Photo by Brett Sayles

Frank Cross: “It’s Christmas Eve! It’s . . . it’s the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we . . . we . . . we smile a little easier, we . . . w-w-we . . . we . . . we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year, we are the people that we always hoped we would be!” Bill Murray “Scrooged

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