My name is Andrew Host and I am the support general manager of PFXS Ltd.

I run day to day operations and make sure all business aspects are done correctly. I want to bring the atention to everyone that might concern about a certain case we recently had to deal with, regarding a bad client practice that was meant to affect our company.

Recently we had a very strange demand from someone who was interested in our services. A pastor from Nigeria named Kunle Ayeleke. Please see the picture below to see what he asked in the first place.


We have not responded to this because we do not give free things and for sure we don`t encourage people that want to invest money that they can not afford to lose, to use our services. That is against our common sense principles and against any healthy rule in this industry. After a few days, we received another email, see below:


The client automatically assumed that we accepted and promised something to him, similar to people with assuming “problems”. We decided to help this guy out and activate his service.

NOTE: he bought the $100 option which offer NO autotrading option but we activated the $200 option, where only Instaforex clients are getting the autotrading feature. And we agree to let him use it with a different broker. So it can be easily seen that we had all the good intentions to help this guy.

He also completed and signed our CLIENT AGREEMENT with his personal details including a copy of his national id, which means he agreed with all our terms and conditions, which I am sure he read, because otherwise the adjective for this would be nasty. He then sent us his MT4 details to activate the copier, which we did and sent him a confirmation.

First trades were on, something we can prove with a MT4 screenshot but it would be against so many rules to do this. After that we go the following email from him, where he basically confirmed that all is ok, like visible in the screenshot below:



So far so good and as everyone can see, his was ok with the service. Until one day, 2 days after all this, he went to Forex Peace Army and left a very ugly comment about us, saying we scammed him and that we did all sort of bad things to him, like we were the worst thing that ever happened to him. Kindly read the post from the link below so you can get an impression about his attitude, after reading all the above mentioned:

Right after we saw this negative review, we sent him an email and invited him on LIVE CHAT to solve everything and find out the reason behind his actions. Check below the screenshots taken from our LIVE CHAT conversation:




As you can see, the client has NO INTENTION to solve this and his actions have only one purpose: to hurt our interest, image and business trust. This is not something we are comfortable with, specially when everyday at PFXS Ltd. we strive to offer the best customer care possible in the industry and take care of all clients on a non stop basis on LIVE CHAT, email, skype and phone.

As a result of his actions, the client got deleted form the autotrading feature (he did not paid for it anyway) and his service was terminated.

We demand Forex Peace Army to make all what is necessary to allow us to fight back these so called reviews, of course, with proofs and facts and not let every shady person mock us for no reason at all. If FPA stands against bad practices in this industry, they will understand that every honest business has the right to defend itself from so called investors and most important, without being racists, from nigerian people who has a very long history in these types of actions.

With all this being said, if someone decides to perform similar actions against us in the future, we will fight it back with all means.

For further details and questions regarding this matter, including more details about our business practice (if needed) we are at your disposal.

Best regards!

Andrew Host, general support manager PFXS Ltd.

SOURCE: Profit Forex Signals Blog – Read entire story here.