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The game continues.

Heading into the weekend Greece is keeping U.S. equities at bay. If the outcome is positive, we rally. Negative and stocks fall like a 2008 Lehman Brothers Tank.

Politics and the scarfs of Varoufakis. That is what is running our 401Ks and precious trading portfolios. As of this minute, here is where we stand:

Via the BBC — Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis; “Hopefully, at the end of this, we’re going to come out with some white smoke”

Greece and its eurozone creditors appear to be nearing a bailout deal as finance ministers meet in Brussels.

The AP newswire quotes an official close to the talks who said that the statement would only deal with Greece’s request for an extension to its loans.

He added that the details would be worked out in future meetings on a technical level. Continue..