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3. Mood boost

Exercise is great for your physique, but it’s just as good for your mental well-being. WebMD described how exercise releases chemicals called endorphins, which lead to an overall positive feeling. This explains why many people feel so great after they complete a workout. More isn’t always better, though. Continued periods of intensive exercise will start to have the opposite effect. According to Men’s Health, too much bodily stress leads to an increased production of cortisol, a stress hormone that contributes to irritability.

For some folks, too much training can lead to more severe mental issues. Personal trainer Lee Boyce told Men’s Fitness some men start to have a distorted view of exercise when they’re overtrained. They start to think of hitting the gym as a challenge or a way to fill an empty space. He also added that poor body image can lead some to think they need to exercise more in order to look better. Even if appearance is one of your motivating factors for working out, make sure you’re being realistic about your goals.