exercise, biceps, weights

Source: iStock

2. Better results

When preparing for a competition, nothing’s worse than finding your progress has flat-lined. The natural response might be to amp up the intensity of your program, but pushing yourself harder could make your performance suffer even more. Runner’s World explained constantly exhausting yourself doesn’t allow your body to adapt to the stress, so you won’t be able to get faster or stronger. Continuing to train without allotting for proper rest means your performance will continue to decline.

The same is true for those seeking to bulk up. One article from Bodybuilding.com highlighted the importance of taking days off, because you’ll return to the gym able to handle more weight, reps, and sets. In fact, it’s the rest period that actually makes you stronger. According to Livestrong, lifting weights leads to fiber breakdown within your muscles while periods of rest allow those fibers to repair. You won’t see results if you’re constantly breaking down your body.